Having fun on the roller coaster
This new working year (September 2023 – August 2024) is my 6th year as an entrepreneur/freelancer.
If somebody asks me how I describe these amazing years, I’d say that is like being on a roller coaster where sometimes you face uphill periods, loops, slow and winding transitions, and then speedy and unpredictable moments.
Yes, it has been a joyful trip on this roller coaster!
And no, I’m not where I thought I would be when I started solo entrepreneurship.
Initially, I designed my portfolio of ample services based on my generalist profile and pure FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). I wanted to have my job-related radar open as wide as possible so I wouldn’t miss any professional opportunity that might have crossed my space.
That decision brought me some busyness and noise but not complete satisfaction as I engaged with projects and clients that were not entirely aligned with my vision or, in the worst scenario, my values.
Along the journey, I debugged my portfolio using the principle of JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) by basically narrowing my offer of solutions to projects, ideas, and experimentations that are coherent with who I am, my values, and what I stand for.
A narrow sales funnel means for me a smaller number of potential clients but a much higher conversion rate and a big relief of the extra efforts to adapt to the demands of people who are not (yet) ready to be challenged beyond their comfort zones.
I radicalized my positioning taking the risk of being misunderstood and reducing some attraction for potential engagements, knowing that in the long run, the less noisy environment would represent more room to be more selective and assertive on the assignments I accept or proactively pursue.
What inspires me is to get into journeys where organizations and individuals are keen to engage in a transformative experience to create better futures and, at the same time, be a better version of themselves.
This means more mentoring, inspirational events, and unorthodox & non-conventional learning experiences.
People say that my capacity to make them at ease during our conversations and interactions allowed them to receive more openly the (gently) challenges I pass to them aiming to widen their visual and thinking spectrums.
In a snapshot, what I bring is an outside view and perspective that is diverse, non-binary, progressive, and provocative, opening up possibilities for exploring new things or old things from different angles.
My new year’s resolution is to keep motivating changes by Disяupting more status quo and comfort zones.

As a Disяuptor and Motivator of Change, my entrepreneurship has been like a roller coaster: plenty of ups and downs but always FUN!