Understanding Risk Centroamérica 2020
During the last weeks, I have been working on the design of a couple of keynotes and some dynamics that I will implement to increase the networking experience of the attendees of the Understanding Risk Centroamérica 2020 conference, #URCentroamérica that will take place in Costa Rica, February 12 to 14.
More than 500 participants will seek to build strategic alliances, to move from understanding risk to action in disaster resilience
In addition to networking, I will be providing some tools and stimulating the participants to look at complex situations from diverse perspectives and stimulate innovation and creativity.
I am very excited about this opportunity, a real challenge to start this new year at full speed.
I´ll be sharing the impressions and lessons learned in a future post.

For more information about the conference, visit the page: https://understandrisk.org/event/ur-centroamerica/
The Conference is organized by the World Bank and the Global Fund for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) in partnership with the Central American Integration System (SICA), the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and the NASA to design the event.
Understanding Risk (UR) is an open, global community of more than 9,000 individuals and institutions working to create, communicate and use disaster risk information.
UR Central America will present best practice and innovation for understanding disaster risk and climate risk, and explore a variety of topics to improve disaster risk management in the region.
to increase the networking experience and stimulate the participants to look at complex situations from diverse perspectives