2020 is here
not only is a new year, it is also a new decade and new cycle in life. Therefore, it is a unique opportunity to embrace transformation
During 2019 a good number of the people I met professionally, had couple of common characteristics: they were looking for a change and at the same time they were apprehensive and even afraid of taking the significant steps towards that change.
For all of them, my words were always around the idea that change is the only constant in life and one must take risks and leave things behind in order to gain new things.
I use frequently the symbolism of opening one door to be able to reach many other doors that are located after the initial one. Also, to trigger change I use the final scene of the movie “The Truman Show” when he starts moving upstairs to the door that opens his life to the unknown, to freedom and happiness.
I based on my own reality, my own vital processes of life change and the cycles I have experienced throughout my life. My own journey pursuing happiness.
The new year just started. But not only is a new year, it is also a new decade and new cycle in life. Therefore, it is a unique opportunity to embrace transformation.
I wish strength and perseverance to all the people facing uncertainty, despair and fear of the unknown to be able to welcome all the challenges and opportunities that the magic 2020 is bringing to all of us.
Am ready for this new decade. What about you?